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Bracket! !!!

  • See the links below for the bracket for the game!


  • Since we have ~60 teams (120 people), everyone must be punctual if they want to play

  • If you are not at your table after 20 seconds of being called, you automatically forfeit your spot

  • Round 1 (1.5 minute games), Round 2 (1 minute games), Round 3 (1 minute games), Quarter-finals (2 minute games), Semi-finals (2 minute games), Finals (3 minute game)

  • Bracket: Raw Bracket

  • Bracket w/ Table ID: Annotated Bracket

FORM CLOSING TONIGHT (12/7) AT 2:30 PM: Ping Pong THIS Friday (12/8) !!!

  • Poolesville's FCA is having their Ping Pong Tournament THIS Friday in the gym during lunch!!!

  • Scan the QR code on the posters around the school or use the link below to register your team (doubles!)

  • The form closes at 2:30 PM (12/7)!!!!!! We are approaching capacity!!!

  • There will be food and drinks provided as well as cool prizes like t-shirts and gift cards for winners

  • It's open to everyone!


Ending 11/17 !!!

  • Hey guys! Christmas time is coming and I really need your help. This year Poolesville's FCA is working with Operation Christmas Child to provide toys for kids internationally—for some, this is their very first gift.

  • We would love it if you check around your house for any lightly used toys or even make a quick trip to Dollar Tree. Your gifts will go to the ends of the earth to children in some of the hardest-to-reach places—whether deep jungles, city slums, steep mountainsides, or one of 1,000 remote Pacific islands.

  • If you do donate, we encourage you to fill out the form below so we can give you credit on the website :)

  • The collection box for toys is located near the main office! If you want to give but are not sure what exactly is needed, feel free to reach me at

  • Operation Christmas Child has a description of what they are looking for here

  • Have a great day guys!

Computer team is having their interest meeting on Monday (9/11) during lunch in room 293 !!!

  • Hey guys! Daniel here. CS Team is an AMAZING opportunity to learn so many new topics: Cybersecurity/Ethical Hacking, Web Development (PHS Schedule website!), Competitive Programming, Machine Learning, Computer Science Theory, and so much more

  • We do competitions, teach lessons, and are working on building a community project- no experience is needed and we'll adjust accordingly!

  • Some of the competitions include ACSL, USACO, popular CTFs (Redpwn, PicoCTF, etc..), Google Code Jam, and more! People with no experience can learn and excel in these competitions, where you can win thousands of dollars!

  • We also work on whole team projects (we will reveal specifics during the interest meeting) in a fun and collaborative way throughout the year.

  • This is a huge change to how Computer Team has been normally run and we are excited to begin!

Sign up form:

Schedule Change!

  • Okay okay okay guys...we will vote soon to change our school schedule (which means I'll have some work on my hands next year :p)

  • Ultimately, it's your choice on what you believe the schedule should be, but I would like to highlight some nice things about a certain option: Option D

  • We get 55 minutes of lunch time (5 minutes more than the current lunch time and the longest out of the four), 40 minutes of FIT (the most amount of time), AND it's the most consistent!

  • I know, It's your decision; just wanted to let you guys know :)

End of the Year!

  • Hey guys! It's been an amazing year and I can't believe that school is almost over. Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to add or remove to make this site better! Looking forward to your feedback :)

  • My email is (Daniel Mathew, SMCS Junior)
  • Fill out this form if you want: Google Form


  • WHAT. A. GAME. I cannot even begin to express the emotions that ran through my head throughout the finals game. Mbappé scored a hat trick, players put their bodies on the line to save a goal, France score two goals in less than two minutes, and Argentina finally took home the victory - a literal fairy tale ending for Messi.

  • Enough with my rant ... let's get into the results. In the two days of voting, we had 160 students and 4 teachers fill out the form! Here are some statistics:
    1. 66.5% predicted Argentina - 33.5% predicted France
    2. 26.8% of people predicted the score "2-1" for Argentina: The highest predicted score.
    3. 1.2% predicted the actual score ("3-3")
    4. 22% predicted that penalties would occur.

    Before I continue, a quick word from our sponsor ;). One student at Poolesville started a mini crochet business and is currently taking orders. Please fill out the form if you are interested in getting one (they are really good): Google Form

  • Now, I kid you not, two students on the form predicted the same winning score and penalties. Funny enough, their time predictions were so similar that if I judge it one way, the first person wins, and if I judge it another way, the second person wins. Not wanting to take away from either of these students, I will announce TWO winners for the prediction game:

  • Veera Singh and Grace Minano Lopez!

  • Give it up to Ritviik Ravi who is willing to buy you some candy for a prize!

  • In about a week, I will send out the list of ALL the students/teachers who predicted the correct winner.


  • One of the students at Poolesville started a mini crochet business and is currently taking orders.

  • Fill out the following google form if you would like a plushy to be made, and follow @crochetspire on insta to see plushies that have already been made

  • Sign up form: Google Form

New link:

  • Both the old and the new link go to the same webpage. Now it's easier to access the website!

Upcoming/Possible Features

  • Distinguish FIT time in the schedule
  • Custom background design requests
  • Student schedule incorporation

If you have any additional features you would like, contact me:

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